Sablet Wineries
The Vignerons throughout the region are very welcoming to visitors who wish to taste, discuss or purchase their wines. Most are open every day during the summer months often from about 9am to 7pm. Look for signs that say “degustation” (tasting) along with the hours of opening (“horaires”).
You can enjoy a guided tour of some of the Domaines in the area – learning about the wine and tasting (of course!). Visit for more information about wine tours.
Caveau des vins Sablet Village center 04 90 46 95 57 Tasting and sales of all Sablet wines
Domaine de Verquiere 04 90 46 90 11
Domaine Chamfort 04 90 46 95 75
Domaine Bernard Rene 04 90 46 90 09
Le Gravillas 04 90 46 90 20
Domaine des Pasquiers 04 90 46 83 97
Domaine de Piaugier 04 90 46 90 54
Domaine de Pourra 04 90 46 93 59
Chateau du Trignon 04 90 46 90 27
Domaine le Souverain 04 90 46 90 40
Le Parandou 04 90 46 99 67