Montbrun les Bains
Montbrun les Bain was the southern outpost of the Barons of Mévouillon who ruled over the Baronnies for more than 300 years beginning in the 11th century.
Today, this picturesque village has a number of shops, bars and other services at its base and a market on Saturday mornings.
The historic village on its upper levels is accessed by walking through the gate of the belfry. The the remnants of the Montbrun-Dupuy château on top of the hilllooks down on the old village of Montbrun les Bains with its superb collection of 16th century stone houses perched precariously on the hillside.
The village church was originally constructed in the 14th century (although it has seen many changes over the centuries), and was for a time a Calviniste Temple during the Protestant uprising. The Catholics then regained the church, enlarged it and added a highly baroque style. Recent restoration has enhanced some frescoes from the end of the middle ages.
With a large number of fountains in the old village, Montbrun les Bains has a sulphurous water source to its east, which was first offered for tourism as a thermal spa in 1860, and itis now a popular place for spa treatments and relaxation for both health and beauty purposes.