Dear Marlene
I’ve been thinking of you so often. I hope you’re well. I’m good and just aging and adjusting to the constant changes that occur.
I had a very quiet Christmas. I was surprised that my oldest sister didn’t want to pick me up and have me for Christmas at her apartment. I had to accept it and move forward. I was all alone but had a beautiful Christmas that passed by very quickly. I cooked a feast for myself and it was delish! I just watched some telly and was happy.
I have finished my curtain for my kitchen. It came out beautiful! Dan has a very bad cold so when he’s better he’ll put it up. I like to have a curtain that gives me on my side and Mitch and Amy on their side, privacy. This window is directly facing their dining room I think. I continue to be very vigilant about Covid. Many people keep getting it in Rochester and all over the world. I wear my mask when I go out. Many people have severe flu and colds and cough all the time now without a mask. Children cough so much without masks and don’t use tissues at times. I’ve tried so hard not to get Covid for the past 3 years. It has been a lot of work. I didn’t get it so far.
So I wish you the best and will be so glad to see you again when the weather is better.
All My Love,
Patricia McHugh